Child Custody

Leger Law is here to support our clients in achieving their desired custody goals.
With guidance and expertise, Leger Law advocates for the best interests of clients and their children, ensuring a smooth and informed process during this difficult time.
A "parenting plan" is a document that outlines a child's schedule and the rights and responsibilities of parents in North Carolina.
It is usually negotiated between both parents and can be approved by a judge to become a court order. If parents cannot agree on custody, a judge makes the decision and creates a court order. Non-compliance with a judge’s custody order can have serious consequences, including being held in contempt of court, which may result in jail time.
There are different types of custody:
- Physical custody determines where the child will live.
- Legal custody grants the parent(s) the right to make important decisions regarding education, health, and religion.
North Carolina doesn’t have a fixed rule on which parent should have physical or legal custody. The judge decides based on the “Best Interest of the Child.” Often, custody is awarded to the “primary caretaker,” the parent who spends the most time with the child and is familiar with their routine and needs.
If both parents share custody, child support depends on factors such as income, healthcare, childcare costs, and the number of overnight visits each parent has.