Advanced Directive/Healthcare Documents “Living Will”
Advanced Directive/
Healthcare Documents “Living Will”

It's crucial to not only have a will or trust plan but also to ensure you've properly completed healthcare documents.
These include a Healthcare Power of Attorney, a stand-alone HIPAA release, and a Living Will. These documents express your health care wishes if you can’t communicate them, allowing designated individuals to carry them out effectively.
Health Care Power of Attorney
This legal document lets your chosen agent make health care decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to. It requires proper execution through signing and notarization. Carefully choose a trusted individual as your health care agent.
Living Will
Also known as an Advance Directive, it guides health care providers and family members on critical medical decisions in “end-of-life” situations. Unlike a Health Care Power of Attorney, it doesn’t grant decision-making power but provides specific directions. Like the Health Care Power of Attorney, it must be signed and notarized according to state law.
Healthcare Doucments/Advanced Directives in Wilmington, NC
Serving New Hanover, Brunswick, Pender, and Onslow Counties, our Estate Planning attorneys focus on creating personalized Advanced Directives in Wilmington, NC. By ensuring your wishes are honored, you can gain peace of mind knowing that your loved ones are protected and your healthcare decisions are respected.